We've all had those moments where our hair health is struggling and we have no idea how to fix it. The first question you should ask is if your hair is lacking in moisture or protein. If it is indeed damaged, it probably needs one of these two nutrients.
After blonding sessions, hairstylists often recommend Olaplex or K18 to their clients to maintain hair health. These two products rebuild broken bonds in the hair strand and make your hair stronger and less likely to break or split. This is considered a form of protein treatment, as well as other treatments like a Keratin treatment. However, if you've used Olaplex before, you may have gotten to a point where it started to take the reverse effect in your hair health and your hair felt like it was knotting easily or hard to brush. That can happen when you give extra protein to your hair when it isn't lacking.
The same thing happens with moisture. If you add more moisture to hair that doesn't need it, your hair just gets weighed down, oily, and can feel dirty. So, how can we tell what "medicine" our hair needs if it's not healthy? We're here to help.

The Stretch Test- Grab a loose piece of your hair and pull slightly at each end, attempting to stretch it. If the piece of hair stretches easily and does not return to its natural state or eventually comes apart, your hair is needing protein and strength. If the hair does not stretch, and snaps quickly or feels rough or brittle, you most likely need moisture.
Hair that needs moisture generally looks frizzy or not smooth, and can be hard to brush. Hair that needs protein can be fragile, break easily, and can be hard to grow.
Generally, there are some characteristics of hair that is more likely to need one or the other. For example, thick and curly hair almost always is lacking in moisture. Thats why curly hair can be frizzy and hard to manage at times. Thin and fine hair generally is in need of protein and can use all the strength it can get.
Don't forget, that your hair could require both. This especially happens from lightening damage. Always ask your hair stylist for help deciding on products! Some products can cause build up on the hair that restricts protein or moisture from penetrating the hair. Stay tuned for more advice on how to fix these problems!